All Breed Dog Training

Over 50 Years Experience
All sizes, ages & breeds
(941) 979-5400

Serving Port Charlotte and nearby areas

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Dog Training In Your Home

An education that will last a
lifetime for you and your dog.
Our Services
All Breed Dog Training has been in the business of training dogs and their owners since 1972. We feel your home is the center of your pet's life and individual in home training is the most logical place to train your dog. Since we work with your pets in their own environment they'll learn faster and any problems get handled on the spot; including housebreaking, pulling on the leash, jumping up on guests, destructive chewing, etc.
You're Included
Every program is "tailor fit" to the special needs of each dog and their owner. You're assigned a qualified trainer that will help you get your dog suitable to fit your situation. We will help you learn the best methods of handling your pet plus train your dog to respond better and promptly obey. During each lesson the trainer will get response from your dog first. The trainer will then coach you in getting the same response. It will be your responsibility to work with your dog and practically apply what you've learned each day.
Puppy Training
Training essentially begins the minute you bring your dog home. During the first 6 months of a dog's life behavioral problems can develop that if left uncorrected can last a lifetime. By using our gentle training methods we can guide your puppy in the right direction and avoid many of the problems that would otherwise develop.

Happy Dog
Let our experts show you a trained dog is a happy dog.

Housebreaking is an issue that needs to be addressed at any age. We will help you find the appropriate place for you to direct your dog; papers, box or a designated area outdoors. We will, with your assistance arrange a system to be followed that will consider the dog's holding power and your schedule.


Our obedience programs teach basic commands and hand signals on-leash as well as off-leash. Those commands include: Heel, Automatic Sit, Sit-Stay, Down-Stay, Come, a release command, respect for the word "No". In addition to the basic commands we can teach your dog your property boundaries. Off-leash obedience is a prerequisite.

Behavioral Problems
Since All Breed's training is done in your home it enables us to get to the root of most of your dog's behavioral problems. We have found that most problems are legitimate survival skills on the dog's part that are acted out in inappropriate environments. An appropriate correction to these problems will be elected and alternatives suggested so instincts can be acted out in a non-destructive manner.

Management Systems
A common issue that All Breed has dealt with over the years has been in helping people set up systems to manage their dogs while they are at work or simply can't supervise their dog. All Breed discusses proper containment and procedures to eliminate destructiveness and a means to eventually give the dog the freedom of trust. All Breed's customers also enjoy a well-mannered dog while having guests by having the dog go to a designated area on command until released. Most guests appreciate the option of interacting with the dog. Another common issue is the dog's interaction with children especially newborns. All Breed Dog Training has developed management systems to accommodate this.

Phone Consultations

Phone Consultations
For individuals located outside of Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, North Port, or Englewood that have problems or questions concerning your dog, we offer consultation as another alternative to serve you. For over 50 years, it's owner, Richard Picone, has been successful in rendering solutions to most problems and answering questions on dogs through telephone consultation. Consultations are done by appointment only and made easy through payment of a major credit card. Fees are billed at a rate of $60 per half-hour or $85 per hour and includes long distance charges (half-hour minimum). If you would like a phone consultation with Richard, please fill out the form response form as completely as possible, including day and evening phone numbers. In the comments section please include your questions and your best times of availability for him to call.

Other Services

Quality food for dogs
Do you really know what is in your pet food?
Click here to find out.

Mr. Picone

Meet Richard Picone - owner and founder of All Breed Dog Training. Mr. Picone has over 50 years of experience training dogs and has worked with multiple government agencies such as the Justice Department, the DEA, and also various law enforcement departments across the United States. His credentials include many public figures and span a highly decorated career that began in the early 1970s. From training service dogs that were used in various fields of law enforcement to curating an in-home training program to address issues such as housebreaking and basic obedience. Mr. Picone is a professional dog trainer that will give you tried and true tactics to train your family dog in your home. All Breed Dog Training has evolved over the years and is now focused on giving you the tools to create a lasting bond between you and your family pet. Mr. Picone is a pioneer in the field of in-home dog training and uses his extensive experience to craft a plan that is personal to you and your dog. Call All Breed Dog Training today to meet Mr. Picone and set up an evaluation to find out how he can help you!

How to get Started
Before we take on a dog for training, we do an evaluation at your home to assess what program would be best suited for you and your pet. The evaluation runs approximately 45 minutes to an hour and at that time we will give you a fixed cost, let you know what your involvement will be, as well as ours. If you're interested, we are equipped to get you enrolled. Since our service is personalized, we will put you into our schedules at your convenience.

Inquire now for an evaluation in your home!

Serving Port Charlotte and nearby areas including

  • Punta Gorda
  • North Port
  • Englewood
  • South Venice
  • All Breed Dog Training - All sizes, ages & breeds

    (941) 979-5400

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